
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

— Matthew 6:10

God powerfully gripped Mary’s heart in the 1990s on a short-term mission trip to Hungary. Upon returning, Mary and her husband, Randy, began working together with the local Hartford, WI church they attended and abroad in preparation to share the love of God with the lost and hurting, but also to train and equip others to do the same. Within the next decade, Mary began meeting internationals in their community, beginning a journey of understanding the different cultures God placed at America’s doorsteps and how to reach them with God’s love.

Mary is a licensed minister through the Assemblies of God, completing most of her studies through Global University. She is a passionate teacher of the Word and has developed a multicultural awareness seminar titled, “West and East Meet,” with the first session focusing on understanding honor/shame-based cultures. Its primary purpose is to help believers develop an understanding of the Muslim, Hindu and Sikh cultures, and how to go about reaching them with God’s love and compassion. She offers a variety of sessions to churches, organizations, small groups, women’s groups, etc. both domestically and internationally, tailoring to fit the needs and schedule of the host.

Randy & Mary teach a ‘Journey of the Word’ Life Group designed for new or mature believers learn how to inductively study God’s Word. Mary is also involved in teaching different Women’s International Fellowship Studies, and skills training at an International Learning Center in Brookfield, WI. Some of the offerings include: ESL (English as a Second Language), sewing classes, and other community programs. Volunteers are given opportunities to become part of the lives of internationals throughout the community. Mary and Randy regularly host international family events where they share food and their lives with others, pray for needs, and witness God continually revealing His love to individuals and families, touching lives by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Mary has been married to her husband, Randy, for more than 30+ years, giving their lives to the Lord and being filled with the Holy Spirit six months after their marriage. They are currently living in Germantown, WI, have four grown children and two grandchildren.

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