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Resources below were either written by GOF missionaries or are highly recommended by GOF.

Check back frequently, as we’re always adding new materials which we believe you will find helpful in your walk with the Lord.


By Dirk & Bobbie Currier

Human trafficking is a crime against humanity, affecting 27 – 40 million people in the world today. This book tells real stories of human trafficking victims & the heroic efforts to search, find, and free them.

The title stems from slaves in Southeast Asia who are assigned numbers for potential clients to choose for purchase of a short or long time. Their stories deserve attention and prayer!

By Dean Niforatos

An unabashedly Spirit-filled, Biblically sound discipleship manual designed to help new believers establish a firm foundation for their journey with Jesus. This book is great for personal study, small groups, or any Sunday School class.

Topics include: inspiration of the Bible, supernaturally effective prayer, two essential baptisms which mold us into new creations performing the powerful works of our Savior

By Ron Auch & Dean Niforatos

Spirit Life is an intense look at gifts of the Spirit, specifically the gift of tongues, and how it assists us in prayer. There is a tremendous need to reawaken this gift within the Christian church so we might see the power of God once again working in the hearts of God’s people.

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