Delayed No More
This trip to North Sumatra has been in our hearts for several years, but due to COVID lock-downs, it had to be shelved until now. We were so excited to get in-country and see what the Lord had been doing and would do in our midst.
Our first meeting was held in a small town at a market area, about 2.5 hours from Medan. Surprisingly, a strong crowd of about 250 people showed up. Between 80-90% responded for salvation and repentance, and many were filled with the Holy Spirit.
The next couple of days of ministry took place on Samosir, an island in Lake Toba, the world’s largest volcanic crater lake. In the mid-20th century, a revival took place amongst the Batak tribes on Samosir Island. God prospered their land and the people could be heard publicly worshipping and praying in tongues. Sadly, ancestor worship and a blended form of the gospel and tribal practices crept back into the churches, bringing an end to the revival. Oh, how our hearts long to see the Spirit of God move again like He did then!
Yet, the Lord did move!
In the two nights of meetings on Samosir Island, many responded for repentance, infilling of the Holy Spirit, and there were physical healings and demonic deliverances. We also had a multi-denominational team comprised of young adults who lead worship. How encouraging to see churches come together to worship and seek the Lord! During the altar calls, many children and teenagers were witnessed crying out to God, an encouraging indicator of the future for churches on this beautiful island.
Prison Ministry
On short notice, we also had the opportunity to visit a prison to attend a graduation ceremony for five inmates who completed a Bible certificate program within prison walls. Another ten inmates are still undergoing their studies. Many of the inmates in this prison were incarcerated for drugs, their lives now spent behind bars in cells housing double the intended amount. The gospel was preached to each cell block within the prison and a total of 129 inmates of various faiths heard the message with plenty of prison guards hearing the gospel too! We pray that the gospel which was preached and interaction with those undergoing the Bible certificate program will lead to freedom spiritually and physically for these inmates.
Back to the Main Land
Our next destination was back to the mainland of North Sumatra at a highland church near Lake Toba. Some 200 people from different denominations gathered together and packed the church, many sitting under a tent outside the building. Again, we witnessed the glory of God as people responded for different needs. It was a moving sight as tears of both repentance and joy overflowed, as wave upon wave of prayer moved upon the people. The pastor’s 11-year old son wept as he was filled with the Spirit and a spiritually oppressed girl was set free that night. We also witnessed a few other physical healings, such as one man who could barely lift his arm. As he was being prayed for, his arm began to rise on its own until it was fully outstretched toward the heavens. What a wonderful sight!
The Move of God Continued Into the City
We spent the last few days in Medan, where the wave of the Spirit continued in the training seminars and church services. As the gospel message was preached and people were challenged to fully follow Christ, the majority of individuals repented and groups were baptized in the Spirit each night. Once again, it was noticeable how many were young people responding to the Lord.
A pastor’s wife suffered with severe back pain for seven years, often unable to sleep because of the pain and hindered in her mobility because of leg pain. Following prayer, her pain subsided and a visit to a spine specialist confirmed her healing! A youth pastor from that same church suffered with Hepatitis B would become extremely exhausted and ill during extended times of serving. He noticed during our time there that he was not tired, and following an intense day of travel and van repairs, he was not sick. He believes he also has been healed by the Lord, and we agree!
In total, we estimate a minimum of:
* 550 repenting of sin – several of those first-time commitments to Christ
* 415 baptized in the Spirit
* 5 physical healings
* 5 demonic deliverances
The Lord is on the move in Indonesia! Work continues as we help disciple Indonesia’s pastors and leaders so they can raise healthy churches and lifelong disciples. And we continue to pray for another move of the Spirit which exceeds the previous revival – with people coming to Christ, rededicating their lives, and publicly worshiping the One True God with all heart, soul, mind, and strength.