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Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to You.
— Jeremiah 29:12
Proud parents of long-awaited Elijah John and Gabe, they have a family passion for ministering the gospel to the nations, leading worship, church planting, leading believers into their destiny in Christ and seeking for the Kingdom of God to come with power to the earth.
Philip was raised in a Christian home, but went through a serious rebellion in his teenage years, coming very close to destroying his entire life by engaging in a series of church thefts and other acts of rebellion. As many people joined in prayer for his salvation, the Lord intervened in a gracious and sovereign way.
Philip remembers very clearly the night he heard the Lord speak to him, saying, “Tonight you choose your eternal destiny. You have hardened your heart against Me so much that this will be the last opportunity you have before growing too hard to respond.” It was this night that Philip fully and finally surrendered to the Lord as Savior and Ruler of his life.
A short time later, the Lord revealed His plan to use Philip in full-time ministry. Thus began the journey taking Philip & Kelli to attend Christ for the Nations Bible School and then go to Africa as missionaries for two years. Followed by a special time of training and ministry with Dean & Carol Niforatos, they accepted positions involving missions, prayer, worship, and evangelism. Philip and Kelli continue to partner with GOF as they lead mission endeavors around the world and establish a prayer center in Illinois.