
2023 Impact Report Advancing the Gospel In Word and Deed EvangelismMissionary support, church planting, and evangelistic outreaches Learn More DiscipleshipEquipping believers and church leaders Learn More EducationPrimary and secondary school assistance, orphan...
Uganda Update

Uganda Update

The Coenens led a small team from the USA and partnered with several Ugandan teams to host training seminars and evangelistic services in rural Ugandan villages. The outcome was incredible! Unity and dedication was on display as all teams served the Lord and the...


BOOKS The following materials are linked to third-party suppliers. Global Outreach Foundation does not receive a benefit of sales. Resources below were either written by GOF missionaries or are highly recommended by GOF. Check back frequently, as we’re always...

Shepherd School

SHEPHERD SCHOOL Shepherd School is designed to fit busy lives. The program is a hybrid of online learning and monthly video conference discussions to review material and enhance learning. Coursework will provide you understanding of God’s Word, the importance of...


COURSES We long to see Spirit-empowered disciples and leaders who know the Word of God, operate in spiritual gifts, and lead others in ways of truth and righteousness. Some courses are self-paced while others are more structured. Check back frequently to see what new...