Our mission is to advance the Gospel in Word and Deed. I am excited to report updates on just some of what your partnership is accomplishing "by Word." In some areas where we minister, people do not...
27 Rescued from Human Trafficking
"Good service, lots of new kids, not expensive, reasonable price. Beautiful girls and service!" This is an actual online review of a suspected sex trafficking location in the Philippines. So, Global...
Spiritual Cafe Serves Encounters with the Living God
Have you ever had a crisis leaving you utterly devastated or emotionally crushed? Who do you turn to? No...imagine that crisis without Christ. Meet Adam. (Name changed for confidentiality.) Years...
A Young Generation Discovering They Are Loved by God
In June 2024, Global Outreach Foundation missionaries helped teens, many from troubled and broken families, deeply discover their Heavenly Father. They learned that He loves them and is consistent,...
Gospel On the Move in Malaysia
The Lord is doing something special in majority Muslim Malaysia and your giving is supporting the new home churches. And make no mistake -- Christians in Malaysia face an uphill battle. Evangelicals...
New Beginning for Former Sex Worker
Pria*, a former sex worker in Southeast Asia, encountered the truth of the Gospel and gave her life to Jesus. She recognized her opportunity during the COVID-19 pandemic to leave the sex industry...