2023 Impact Report

Advancing the Gospel

In Word and Deed


Missionary support, church planting, and evangelistic outreaches


Equipping believers and church leaders


Primary and secondary school assistance, orphan support


Food distribution, elderly support

Thank You!

Words cannot express our thanks for all you helped make possible this past year!

Building the Church….

It is what we’ve been about since the very beginning. Church building is not simply about planting more churches. Building the Church is not even about constructing buildings. It means introducing people to Jesus and discipling believers, developing leaders who shepherd the church well, and helping people break free from bondages of addiction, poverty, and slavery to be equipped in a new way of living.

As we enter into our 21st year, we maintain focus on building the Church — Jesus’ very own Bride — made up of every nation, tribe, and tongue. Building the Church will take us to past places for foundation inspection and further expansion. It will take us to new places where the foundation of Christ will be laid. We’re ready to get sweaty and dirty in this work of Church building.

Some of you will join us and volunteer your time and talents, others will give of yourselves through prayer, and still others will provide financial support. All are needed! And we thank you for your partnership!

Shannon Coenen


By The Numbers

Total Individuals Served


Salvations and


Baptized in the
Holy Spirit




Trafficking Victims






  • Missionary Support / Ministries (59%)
  • Evangelism & Discipleship (Outreach) (29%)
  • Education (5%)
  • General Management (7%)

Where We Worked

What We Did

Plant churches

Worship services

Evangelistic outreaches

Train and encourage pastors/leaders

Bible studies

Advocate for and rescue human trafficking victims

Support tuition costs for vulnerable youth

Pray for the sick and oppressed

Distribute food and supplies to vulnerable families and refugees

Administrative support for missionaries

Some Reasons To Praise

Opening Prison Doors

Asked to participate in a graduation ceremony for inmates receiving Bible certification within an Indonesian prison, ministry extended to more than 100 inmates as the gospel was preached from cell block to cell block. The Engs and Coenens were able to pray for several inmates who desired to repent and receive words of encouragement.

Hot Rod Sunday

After several years, the Curriers revived “Hot Rod Sunday”, an outreach featuring classic cars. The hosting church was packed and several people accepted Christ as their Savior. In particular, one man — not a church goer —  sought out counsel as a result of the outreach. “Hot Rod Sunday” reaches a population not many consider and plans are in the works for another outreach in 2024.

Hope For the Future

Learning to sew is more than a trade skill. It is a means of empowerment and provision. The Esther Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) addresses the spiritual needs of women even as they receive skills training. Nearly every student in the Esther Project this past year submitted their lives to Christ and are now experiencing the true source of hope!

Healed to Worship

A debilitating medical issue prevented a young woman from engaging in worship, ending in collapse and shortness of breath. These bouts would last for days and she struggled to believe God for healing, having prayed many times prior. One night others gathered to pray and she felt something lift off. Since that time, no episodes have returned and she’s been free to exert herself in worship.

To The Edges of the Earth

Taking the gospel to outlying villages comes with its own challenges — one of the biggest being housing. Through your generosity, we were able to provide 6 tents for Ugandan evangelists to use as they go and preach the good news of Jesus. These tents were put through the paces in our latest Uganda outreach where it rained almost every night, but everyone stayed warm and dry! There is now one less barrier to the gospel going out to the edges of the earth.

VBS Reaches Community

Most churches tackle one VBS a year, but Grace & Truth Community Church, led by the Bowens, saw need to reach families in their Missouri community and held two vacation Bible schools in one summer! The benefit of their efforts are being seen as parents are granting permission for their children to attend church and take part in Bible instruction. Families are also being served by the congregation through a partnership with the local food pantry. Bellies and souls are being fed!

Training Future Ministers

Five students graduated from GOF’s Shepherd School and received licensure through long-time partners, Pray-Tell Ministerial Association. One student shared: “When the opportunity came to enter into ministry training, I wanted to join to get to know Jesus even more…goal achieved! I experienced a reformation in my prayer life that continues today. We learned a Biblical, Holy Spirit-led approach to ministry and dealing with practical ministry issues. I am so grateful and the friendships gained support me as I go further into ministry.”

Malaysia Revival

Two women were miraculously healed of incontinence and inability to walk during an initial outreach to an area of East Malaysia. Upon the return of the Engs for a follow-up visit, the women rushed to greet and thank them for bringing the gospel and healing power of Jesus. Between the two trips, two additional women were delivered of demons, 16 were baptized, many were filled with the Holy Spirit, and two new house churches were started. Revival has begun in East Malaysia!

The Next Generation

Revival Among Youth

We’re seeing an increased number of young people answering altar calls for repentance and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Lord is answering prayers for this next generation by awakening them to His presence and power.

Investing in youth for the long haul brings great change. A young man in the Vega youth group struggled with rebellion, drugs, sexual sin, and suicidal thoughts. After many years of ministering to him, Jesus got complete hold of this young man, filled him with His Spirit, and completely changed his life! He is now free of drugs and sexual addictions and is thinking about entering ministry with a special focus on special needs children.

The Daniel Academy, led by the Andersons, is helping young people encounter Jesus by combining their school education with dedicated times of worship and prayer. Student-led worship, times of intercession with praying Scripture, and stepping out in speaking prophetic words over each other is equipping these students for a lifetime of worship and service to Christ.

We think you will agree that the future is bright for this next generation! God is on the move!


Young people outnumbered adults in many of the altar calls in Indonesia.

It was a joy watching the Lord baptize them in His Holy Spirit and set them free from all sorts of demonic bondages.

Studying the Bible and applying it to life.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, nearly all of the 375 students attending supported schools have accepted the Lord as Savior!

Students of the Mercy Home in Bangladesh celebrate the holidays.

They chose to honor their guardians and teachers during the celebration. What a testimony of blessing and honor!

Not everything in youth ministry is serious…but Dave & Jett Vega are serious about reaching youth for Jesus!

During “Epic Week,” they led students through a series of activities and discussions highlighting Biblical principles and how to apply those principles to real life.

Students in this South Asian school receive a quality education while also learning about Jesus and their identity in Him.

Several of the graduates from this school have gone on to further their education.

Grant Projects

Through your generosity, GOF was able to provide a total of $16,000 in special project grants to GOF missionaries and national pastors.

Bible Training Camps

Indonesia temperatures are hot year-round and packing people into a small room with no air conditioning is borderline torture! Our provision of an air conditioner and big screen TV made it possible for people of all ages to maintain attention as they were trained in how to study the Bible, witness through daily living, and become online evangelists and disciplers. This grant also provided some sports equipment and stipends for those running athletic camps.

During one youth Bible training camp, students were so consumed with their studies they chose to forego a scheduled break and continue discussing with each other what they had learned.

Skills Training Center

The cycle of poverty is nearly unbreakable unless you have the skills necessary to provide for yourself and your family.

In Lukaya, Uganda, Pastor Joseph and his team have much set to establish a training center as part of their church. However, important renovations needed to take place to make the space safe for students and teachers.

The training center will provide necessary trade skills to a population challenged by poverty, high drug use, and youth unable to attend school. Future training programs will include hair dressing, tailoring, and music, with a core component of each program being the preaching of the gospel and discipleship.

Refugee Support

Fighting between factions in the Democratic Republic of Congo caused many to flee and seek refuge in Goma. Though these refugees reside in an established camp, most do not have proper tarps to combat the elements or enough food to feed their families.

Our provision of tarps and minimal supplies for 100 families within the camp did more than we could have ever expected.

As the gospel was preached, people began giving their lives to Christ. In a very short time, more than 200 people were begging for a church to be built in the camp itself, since the nearest church was a good distance away. We are now working to meet this unexpected demand.

School Refresh

More than ten years have passed since a school in South Asia opened its doors. To be expected, the paint and furniture were wearing out.

Students will be greeted upon return from the holidays with a newly painted school and new furniture in each classroom. Just imagine the excitement as they walk and discover their new surroundings!

This refresh is about so much more than a good-looking school. The school resides in a community where Christianity is frowned upon and often comes with persecution. This grant communicates that someone knows and cares about the students, teachers, and Christian community.

Missionary Transport

Travel costs are on the increase and when unexpected opportunities or needs arise, it puts an even greater strain on missionary budgets.

One missionary’s vehicle quickly became unreliable, making it nearly impossible to meet with those desiring ministry. A key part of ministry in their location is meeting people where they are physically to lead them spiritually.

Another missionary had opportunities to rescue trafficked victims in Asian nations. Without additional support, the rescue would become that much harder to complete.

Both missionaries were equipped to go forth and fulfill their ministry callings.

Human Trafficking Advocacy

Made by ladies in Wisconsin, people can “adopt” Esther Freedom Dolls to support anti-trafficking efforts in India.

Following escape from a Southeast Asian brothel, a woman received Christ as her Savior, was enrolled in a skills training center, and started a new life.

Through multiple individuals and organizations, she was provided a fully-furnished home where she can live with her family and use as a meeting place for Friday night evangelism to her neighborhood.

In July, a local Minnesota theater partnered with the Curriers for the “Sound of Freedom” movie. They were allowed to set up a display and show a pre-movie trailer featuring their rescue work, which opened doors to several churches where they were able to speak about human trafficking and preach the gospel.

A Valentine’s Day outreach to brothel workers in Southeast Asia enables women to hear about Jesus who loves them with real love. They also learn ways in which they can leave brothels behind and start a new life.

We are involved in anti-trafficking advocacy and rescues in some of the following ways:


Partnering with local and national organizations for advocacy and rescue

Training of GOF missionaries to help spot and effectively intervene in potential trafficking situations

Speaking about the issue of human trafficking in local churches and community groups

Holding awareness events

Participating in trafficking rescues

Assisting in the rehabilitation of trafficking victims

Coming in 2024

We will be continuing with all the great work featured above, plus special focus on the following:

Refugee Camp Church Plant

The demand is great for a church to be built nearby the refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

We are formulating costs for the following:

  • Bibles (needed immediately)
  • Sound Equipment
  • Land purchase
  • Building materials

Your prayers are appreciated as we work to meet the needs of these new believers.

Bible Studies Posted Online

We are bringing back Bible studies available for free download on our website this February! All studies have been revamped to better facilitate personal reflection and group discussion.

A person from the test group had this to say about the new materials:

“I now see different things in each book and how the book applies to my own life. The summary questions make me go deeper with God and help me grow.”

We are also working to translate these studies to make them more accessible to believers and pastors worldwide.

Shepherd School Cohorts

Though the curriculum is designed to qualify for ministry credentialing through our partner organization, Pray-Tell Ministerial Association, anyone can join the classes.

We will soon be announcing the class schedule, so now is the time to apply if you are interested! Applying helps us plan appropriately and communicate directly.

If you are seeking ministry credentialing, but not yet completed a survey course of the entire Bible, we recommend applying for the Shepherd School while also getting started with the online Bible studies.

South Africa Food Program

Though most of the South African ministry has transitioned to local leadership raised up by the Stones, one program remains in need of assistance.

The food program feeds approximately 200 kids weekly and is currently challenging for local leadership to meet the financial need. GOF is partnering with the leaders to continue the program and discover ways in which the program may become self-sustaining for the future.

Thank you for a great year in 2023!

We look forward to all the Lord has in store for 2024.